How to Cross-Compile in openWRT your own tools inkl OPKG Packaging

How to Cross-Compile in openWRT your own tools inkl OPKG Packaging

Setup toolchain and buildroot on my Debian VM: bullseye - kernel 5.9.0-4

Download and setup toolchain enviroment:


## ******  Initial setup on debian distos ******
## (c) 2022 - suuhmer / inspired by owrt wiki official

apt clean;
apt update && apt upgrade

# install deps:
apt install build-essential gawk gcc-multilib flex git gettext libncurses5-dev libssl-dev python3-distutils rsync unzip zlib1g-dev clang

# -----------------------------------------------------------

# Clone atm version and pull for changes
git clone
cd openwrt
git pull
# Select code revision and create a new branch
git branch -a
git tag
git checkout v21.02.2

# Rebasing for Easybox904:
git branch workbranch
git checkout workbranch
git remote add plonkb
git fetch plonkb xrx200-21.02.2:xrx200-21.02.2
git rebase workbranch xrx200-21.02.2
git checkout workbranch
git merge xrx200-21.02.2

git remote add xbox
git fetch xbox
git cherry-pick eeed5e79911f26d0d8e768a2ec387e7882f122de -X theirs
# --strategy-option theirs / ours for ourlically changes prefer
git add . && git status -s

# A  package/kernel/linux/modules/
# M  package/kernel/linux/modules/
# M  package/kernel/linux/modules/
# A  target/linux/generic/config-5.10
# A  target/linux/generic/config-5.15

# ON Error Conflicts: (merge, cherry-pick)
# git cherry-pick --abort 
# LAST RESORT: git reset --hard xbox/master

# Sort and merge uniq:
cd target/linux/generic/
sort -u config-5.4 config-5.15 > config-5.4

# Update the feeds
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a

# git clone -b dvbapps --single-branch package/dvb-core2
# git clone package/dvb-fwcore

# Continue
make menuconfig

# Configure the firmware image and the kernel
# !! Optional for initramfs- disk !!
make -j $(nproc) kernel_menuconfig
# Build the firmware image
echo "Time begin: $(date)"; echo
time make -j $(($(nproc)+1)) V=sc defconfig download clean world
echo -e "\nTime finished: $(date)\a"; echo

# sysupgrade image in 
cd bin/targets/lantiq/xrx200; ls -lah && echo -e "Upgrade now \a"
# See more to upgrade: #Install the sysupgrade file on Router


# Create Custom files / configs (eg motd-banner)
mkdir -p files/etc/ ; vi files/etc/banner

# Create a Dir for package:
# mkdir -p <buildroot>/my_packages/<section>/<category>/<package_name>
Full install compile of sysimage


# Ignore compilation errors
IGNORE_ERRORS=1 make ...
# Ignore all errors including firmware assembly stage
make -i ...

Old Easybox owrt patch

# OLD : OPTIONAL easybox 904 patch
#  wget
#  patch -p1 < v0.1-EasyBox904xDSL.patch
#  make defconfig
#  make prereq

Make menuconfig

2. Setup buildroot steps

export PATH=$PATH:staging_dir/host/bin/
export STAGING_DIR=/root/openwrt

# to get Build paramterinfo:

# Download mycode to cpmpile and run: (to trigger toolchain)
./configure --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu –host=mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc

# make CC=architecture-openwrt-linux-uclibc-gcc LD=architecture-openwrt-linux-uclibc-ld


If compilation aborts due to missing header files or shared objects, you might need to override CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to point to the staging_dir/target-architecture_uClibc-libcver/usr/include and …/usr/lib directories

Install the sysupgrade file on Router

because of dropbear not sftp, so:

cat openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-arcadyan_vgv952cjw33-e-ir-smp-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin | ssh root@ "cat >> /tmp/owrtup.bin"

#md5sum check on both!

sysupgrade -v /tmp/owrtup.bin

Special xbox tuner install

wget --no-check-certificate -P /lib/firmware
# And dvb-demod-mn88472-02.fw
wget --no-check-certificate -P /lib/firmware