How to VDR install with Fritzbox Cable SAT>IP Server

How  to VDR install with Fritzbox Cable SAT>IP Server

First install or compile vdr to your Linux distro:

# Compile:
apt install build-essentials vdr-dev
git clone --branch stable/2.6 git://
cd vdr ; make -j5 && make install

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Easy install:
install vdr vdr-plugin-satip vdr-plugin-live dr-plugin-vnsiserver vdr-plugin-streamdev-server vdr-plugin-xineliboutput

Install Sat>IP plugin and config

# remote.conf
XKeySym.Up         Up
XKeySym.Down       Down
XKeySym.Menu       m
XKeySym.Ok         Return
XKeySym.Back       BackSpace
XKeySym.Left       Left
XKeySym.Right      Right
XKeySym.Red        F1
XKeySym.Green      F2
XKeySym.Yellow     F3
XKeySym.Blue       F4
XKeySym.0          0
XKeySym.1          1
XKeySym.2          2
XKeySym.3          3
XKeySym.4          4
XKeySym.5          5
XKeySym.6          6
XKeySym.7          7
XKeySym.8          8
XKeySym.9          9
XKeySym.Info       i
XKeySym.Pause      space
XKeySym.FastFwd    F6
XKeySym.FastRew    F5
XKeySym.Power      p
XKeySym.Volume+    F12
XKeySym.Volume-    F11
XKeySym.Mute       F10
XKeySym.User7      F7
XKeySym.User8      F8
XKeySym.User9      F9



#  -d <num>, --devices=<number>  set number of devices to be created
#                                (default device count is 2)
#  -t <mode>, --trace=<mode>     set the tracing mode
#  -s <ipaddr>|<model>|<desc>, --server=<ipaddr1>|<model1>|<desc1>;<ipaddr2>|<model2>|<desc2>
#                                define hard-coded SAT>IP server(s)
#  -S, --single                  set the single model server mode on
#  -n, --noquirks                disable all the server quirks


For subnetting your multicast use igmpproxy to get SSDP broadcasts!

Now activate your XINE frontent for menustyle:

# /etc/vdr/setup.conf

xineliboutput.Frontend =
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseFilesDir = /var/lib/video
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseImagesDir = /var/lib/video
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseMusicDir = /var/lib/video
xineliboutput.Media.RootDir = /
xineliboutput.OSD.AlphaCorrection = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.AlphaCorrectionAbs = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.Downscale = 1
xineliboutput.OSD.HideMainMenu = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.Prescale = 1
xineliboutput.OSD.UnscaledAlways = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.UnscaledLowRes = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.UnscaledOpaque = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.UseBroadcast = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.UsePipe = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.UseRtp = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.UseTcp = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UseUdp = 1
xineliboutput.RemoteMode = 1

# install VDR-SXFE and start:
apt install vdr-sxfe
vdr-sxfe --post tvtime:method=Linear,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1 xvdr+tcp://
add to /etc/vdr/setup.conf
xine frontend with SAT>IP plugin config

Scanning with SAT>IP for channels

# Scanning with SAT>IP server:
git clone

systemctl stop vdr
w_scan_cpp -fc -c DE --satip >> /etc/vdr/channels.conf
systemctl start vdr


Optional: Install KODI to watch DVR on same machine / remote

apt install kodi kodi-bin kodi-data kodi-eventclients-common kodi-eventclients-ps3 kodi-scripts-example vdr-addon-kodi kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi