Installing arch linux /w tiling window manager

Here a short How to for arch linux with tiling window managers like awesome (xorg) / herbstluft / hyprland (wayland)
See more info about the different WM's
Installing arch
Download ISO from mirrors
Create USB Stick with ISO
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/arch_linux_iso_install.iso of=/dev/sdx status=progress && sync
Install on Mashine
# Check for Keyboard layout:
# ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz
loadkeys de-latin1
# Check for Network / Wifi
ip a s
[iwd] station wlan0 show
station wlan0 scan
station wlan0 connect <SSID>
# Packman update gpg-keys and repos
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --pupulate
# Now
# Follow the instructions...
# Profile: take minimal
# Additional packages:
git neovim
# No chroot and reboot
Pacman and yay (AUR) install and use
# PACMAN crashcurse:
# ------------------
# Search for a package
pacman -Ss <search-term>
# Install a package
pacman -S <package>
# Remove a package
pacman -R <package>
# Update installed packages
pacman -Syu
# View contents of the mirrorlist file
cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# Update repository index (after updating mirrorlist file)
sudo pacman -Syyy
# ---------
git clone
makepkg -si
yay -Suy
Install hyprland (Wayland)
yay -S gdb ninja gcc cmake meson libxcb xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-keysyms libxfixes libx11 libxcomposite xorg-xinput libxrender pixman wayland-protocols cairo pango seatd libxkbcommon xcb-util-wm xorg-xwayland libinput libliftoff libdisplay-info cpio tomlplusplus
Or fully setupped
git clone
cd hyprland && bash set-hypr
# Follow instruction.. (yes)
Keybinds for tiling window managers
The following custom key bindings are enabled (can be customized in ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
- SUPER + RETURN to start terminal alacritty
- SUPER + Q to quit an application
- SUPER + B to start browser chromium
- SUPER + M to exit Hyprland
- SUPER + E to start filemanager dolphin
- SUPER + CTRL + RETURN to start launcher rofi
- SUPER + T to toggle floating
- SUPER + F to toggle fullscreen
- SUPER + 1-9 to switch workspaces
- more key bindings in ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
Awesomewm shortcuts:
# MOD4 = Windows Key etc?
Mod4 + s
Show currently assigned key bindings.
Window manager control
Mod4 + Control + r
Restart awesome.
Mod4 + Shift + q
Quit awesome.
Mod4 + r
Run prompt.
Mod4 + x
Run Lua code prompt.
Mod4 + Return
Spawn terminal emulator.
Mod4 + w
Open main menu.
Mod4 + m
Maximize client.
Mod4 + n
Minimize client.
Mod4 + Control + n
Restore client.
Mod4 + f
Set client fullscreen.
Mod4 + Shift + c
Kill focused client.
Mod4 + t
Set client on-top.
Mod4 + j
Focus next client.
Mod4 + k
Focus previous client.
Mod4 + u
Focus first urgent client.
Mod4 + Left
View previous tag.
Mod4 + Right
View next tag.
Mod4 + 1-9
Switch to tag 1-9.
Mod4 + Control + j
Focus next screen.
Mod4 + Control + k
Focus previous screen.
Mod4 + Escape
Focus previously selected tag set.
Layout modification
Mod4 + Shift + j
Switch client with next client.
Mod4 + Shift + k
Switch client with previous client.
Mod4 + o
Send client to next screen.
Mod4 + h
Decrease master width factor by 5%.
Mod4 + l
Increase master width factor by 5%.
Mod4 + Shift + h
Increase number of master windows by 1.
Mod4 + Shift + l
Decrease number of master windows by 1.
Mod4 + Control + h
Increase number of columns for non-master windows by 1.
Mod4 + Control + l
Decrease number of columns for non-master windows by 1.
Mod4 + space
Switch to next layout.
Mod4 + Shift + space
Switch to previous layout.
Mod4 + Control + space
Toggle client floating status.
Mod4 + Control + Return
Swap focused client with master.
Mod4 + Control + 1-9
Toggle tag view.
Mod4 + Shift + 1-9
Tag client with tag.
Mod4 + Shift + Control + 1-9
Toggle tag on client.